- How a Pandemic Might Play Out Under Trump By Ed Yong, The Atlantic, December 20, 2016
- Redeeming Economics: The Achievement of Vernon Smith By SAMUEL GREGG, The Stream (blog), December 31, 2016
- The best work on political economy in 2016 By Daniel W. Drezner, The Washington Post, December 30, 2016
- THOMAS C. SCHELLING: A REMINISCENCE By Robert Jervis, War on the Rocks (blog), December 28, 2016
- Improving How Job Markets Function: Active Labor Market Policies by Timothy Taylor, The Conversable Economist (blog), December 30, 2016
- Keynes Reborn by Koichi Hamada, Project Syndicate (blog), December 28, 2016
- Why time management is ruining our lives by Oliver Burkeman, The Guardian, December 22, 2016
- It may have seemed like the world fell apart in 2016. Steven Pinker is here to tell you it didn’t. by Julia Belluz, Vox (blog), December 22, 2016
- Economists versus the Economy By Robert Skidelsky, Project Syndicate (blog), December 23, 2016
- Talking to children about untouchability By Diane Coffey and Amit Thorat, The Hindu, December 30, 2016
- Still frowning upon intermarriages By Diane Coffey and Amit Thorat, The Hindu, December 29, 2016
- How to Back Up Your Social Media Feeds By J. D. BIERSDORFER, The New York Times, DEC. 15, 2016
- Sraffa’s Revolution in Economic Theory By Ajit Sinha, Institute for New Economic Thinking (blog), DEC 26, 2016
- India’s currency crisis is stalling small industries and sending workers home By Rama Lakshmi, The Washington Post, December 25, 2016
- Cornerstone: The Rise and Fall of a Health Care Experiment By REED ABELSON, The New York Times, DEC. 23, 2016
- Growth, Not Forced Equality, Saves the Poor By DEIRDRE N. McCLOSKEY, The New York Times, DEC. 23, 2016
- 11 Charts That Show Income Inequality Isn't Getting Better Anytime Soon by EDWIN RIOS AND DAVE GILSON, Mother Jones, DEC. 22, 2016
- PNC Christmas Price Index December 1, 2016
- How’s the Economy? Just Look at How Much Celebrating ‘The 12 Days of Christmas’ Will Cost By Elizabeth Olson, The New York Times, December 23, 2016
- Cambridge economists The art and science of economics at Cambridge The Economist, December 24, 2016
- The Case for a Rules-Based Fed By John Taylor, The Wall Street Journal, December 20, 2016
- A Computer Can’t Do the Fed’s Job By Neil Kashkari, The Wall Street Journal, December 18, 2016
- All’s well that spends well By David Throsby, The Times Literary Supplement, December 14, 2016
- Nobody, including the Fed, knows the lowest unemployment rate that’s consistent with stable inflation By Jared Bernstein, The Washington Post, December 19, 2016
- Nine New Findings About Inequality in the United States By JEREMY ASHKENAS, The New York Times, DEC. 16, 2016
- Trump’s outrageous lies come straight from big businesses’ playbook By Ari Rabin-Havt, The Washington Post, December 16, 2016
- When Economics Was Radical By Marshall Steinbaum and Bernard Weisberger, The Chronicle of Higher Education, DECEMBER 04, 2016
- Slavery and Capitalism Redux By Peter Dorman, Econonospeak (blog), December 14, 2016
- Shackles and Dollars By Marc Parry, The Chronicle of Higher Education, DECEMBER 08, 2016
- Donald Trump Should Know: This Is What Climate Change Costs Us By MICHAEL GREENSTONE and CASS R. SUNSTEIN, The New York Times, DEC. 15, 2016
- Thomas C. Schelling, Master Theorist of Nuclear Strategy, Dies at 95 By WILLIAM GRIMES, The New York Times, DEC. 13, 2016
- Prize lecture: Bengt Holmström, Laureate in Economic Sciences 2016, December 11, 2016
- Prize lecture: Oliver Hart, Laureate in Economic Sciences 2016, December 11, 2016
- Economists Pretend They Don't Pick Winners and Losers by Noah Smith, BloombergView, December 9, 2016
- The Economy’s Hidden Problem: We’re Out of Big Ideas By Greg Ip, The Wall Street Journal, December 6, 2016
- When Presidents Defy Economic Gravity, Gravity Usually Wins By Greg Ip, The Wall Street Journal, December 7, 2016
- Private versus Public Health Care in India By Alex Tabarrok, Marginal Revolution, December 6, 2016
- U.S. life expectancy declines for the first time since 1993 By Lenny Bernstein, The Washington Post, December 8, 2016
- A Dilemma for Humanity: Stark Inequality or Total War By Eduardo Porter, The New York Times, December 6, 2016
- Economic growth in the United States: A tale of two countries By Thomas Piketty, Emmanuel Saez, Gabriel Zucman, Equitablog, December 6, 2016
- The U.S. Is a Low-Tax Nation By Justin Fox, BloombergView, December 5, 2016
- Monte Carlo Simulation Basics, III: Regression Model Estimators By Dave Giles,
Econometrics Beat: Dave Giles' Blog, December 5, 2016 - Want to Rev Up the Economy? Don’t Worry About the Trade Deficit By N. Gregory Mankiw, The New York Times, December 11, 2016
- Josh Lerner: Interview By David Pryce, Econ Focus (blog), Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, Second Quarter, 2016
- Banking regulatory reform: The way forward By Xavier Vives, VoxEu, 6 December 2016
- When behavioural economics meets randomised control trials: Examples from Canadian public policy By Robert French, Philip Oreopoulos, VoxEu, 5 December 2016
- Indian Nationalism Goes to the Movies By Noah Feldman, BloombergView, December 2, 2016
- Budget versus project aid: A tradeoff between control and efficiency By Axel Dreher, Sarah Langlotz, Silvia Marchesi, VoxEu, 02 December 2016
- Employment subsidy schemes: Firm-level evidence from the 2012 Spanish labour market reform By Elisa Gamberoni, Katerina Gradeva, Sebastian Weber, VoxEu, December 3, 2016
- The interest rate effect on private saving: Alternative perspectives By Joshua Aizenman, Yin-Wong Cheung, Hiro Ito, VoxEu, December 3, 2016
- Minimum wage increases by US states fuelled earnings growth in low-wage jobs By Sandra Black, Jason Furman, Laura Giuliano, Wilson Powell, VoxEu, 02 December 2016
- The best films of 2016 Sight & Sound, December 2, 2016
- How to Back Up Your Social Media Feeds
Friday, December 02, 2016
Notable: December 2016
Wednesday, November 23, 2016
Notable: November 2016
- Low Definition in Higher Education By Lyell Asher, The American Scholar, NOVEMBER 16, 2016
- How Latin America Pays the Price of Protectionism By TAOS TURNER and PAUL KIERNAN, The Wall Street Journal, Nov. 25, 2016
- China Issuing ‘Strict Controls’ on Overseas Investment By LINGLING WEI, The Wall Street Journal, Nov. 25, 2016 [Government to announce new measures intended to curb capital flight]
- The Thin Gene By PAGAN KENNEDY, The New York Times, NOV. 25, 2016
- Two Children, One Rich, One Poor, Gasping for Air in Delhi’s Smog By ELLEN BARRY, The New York Times, NOV. 23, 2016
- 100 Notable Books of 2016 The New York Times, November 23, 2016
- India’s Cash-Canceling Experiment By Bruce Einhorn, BloombergBusinessweek, November 23, 2016
- Economists are prone to fads, and the latest is machine learning The Economist, November 26, 2016. [Big data have led to the latest craze in economic research.]
- How Indians triumphed in America, The Economist, November 26, 2016. [Review of The Other One Percent: Indians in America. By Sanjoy Chakravorty, Devesh Kapur and Nirvikar Singh]
- The Constitution lets the electoral college choose the winner. They should choose Clinton. By Lawrence Lessig, The Washington Post, November 24, 2016
- Researchers have found a troubling new cause of death for middle-aged white Americans By Max Ehrenfreund, The Washington Post, November 23, 2016
- Alaska’s Novel Plan to Cut Health Premium Costs By SHAYNDI RAICE and
ANNA WILDE MATHEWS, The Wall Street Journal, Nov. 22, 2016 [Could this be a plus point for Medicaid?] - TROUBLING STUDY SAYS ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE CAN PREDICT WHO WILL BE CRIMINALS BASED ON FACIAL FEATURES By Sam Biddle, The Intercept, November 18, 2016 [What's to be done about findings such as this? Would it help to inform a person that their facial features suggest they are likely/unlikely to commit crime? If Big Data identifies interventions -- say a particular ethics course -- that are inversely correlated with criminal behavior, should such interventions be subsidized? Should plastic surgery be subsidized (a) for procedures to "correct" the facial features associated with criminal behavior or (b) for procedures to adopt, as a gesture of solidarity, the facial features associated with criminal behavior?]
- Breathe. Exhale. Repeat: The Benefits of Controlled Breathing By Lesley Alderman, The New York Times, November 9, 2016
Tuesday, November 22, 2016
Notable: November 22, 2016
- U.S. Dementia Rates Are Dropping Even as Population Ages By GINA KOLATA, The New York Times, NOV. 21, 2016
- This Pizzeria Is Not a Child-Trafficking Site By CECILIA KANG, The New York Times, NOV. 21, 2016
- ‘A Rude Shock’: Indians Describe Life After Narendra Modi’s Currency Ban By HANNA INGBER, The New York Times, NOV. 21, 2016
Sunday, November 20, 2016
Notable: November 20, 2016
- Italy’s Banks Are in a Slow-Motion Crisis. And Europe May Pay. By PETER S. GOODMAN, The New York Times, NOV. 19, 2016
- The Kind of Car Insurer That Gives Consumers the Best Value By GRETCHEN MORGENSON, The New York Times, NOV. 18, 2016
- Why Surging Stocks May Not Mean the Economy Trusts Trump By SENDHIL MULLAINATHAN, The New York Times, NOV. 18, 2016
- Trump’s big infrastructure plan? It’s a trap. By Ronald A. Klain, The Washington Post, November 18, 2016
- Infrastructure Build or Privatization Scam? By Paul Krugman, The Conscience of a Liberal (blog), The New York Times, November 19, 2016
- Build He Won’t By Paul Krugman, The New York Times, November 21, 2016 [Item added on November 21, 2016]
Saturday, November 19, 2016
Notable: November 19, 2016
- Why I Had to Eat a Bug on CNN By SAM WANG, The New York Times, NOV. 18, 2016
- The county-by-county data on Trump voters shows why he won By Loren Collingwood, The Washington Post, November 19, 2016
- Appalachia’s Sacrifice By RON RASH, The New York Times, NOV. 18, 2016
- The End of Identity Liberalism By MARK LILLA, The New York Times, NOV. 18, 2016
- A non-pill treatment for many chronic illnesses: Exercise By Consumer Reports, The Washington Post, November 19, 2016
Tuesday, November 15, 2016
Notable: November 15, 2016
- What Could Be Worse Than Repealing All of Obamacare? By JONATHAN GRUBER, The New York Times, NOV. 14, 2016
- Why Keeping Only the Popular Parts of Obamacare Won’t Work By Margot Sanger-Katz, The New York Times, NOV. 15, 2016
- A Concerned Billionaire Develops a Plan for Retirements By LANDON THOMAS Jr., The New York Times, NOV. 14, 2016
Saturday, November 12, 2016
Notable: November 12, 2016
- Painful Steps Help Egypt Secure $12 Billion I.M.F. Loan By DIAA HADID, The New York Times, NOV. 11, 2016
- Soda Taxes Sweep to Victories, Despite Facing Big Spending By Margot Sanger-Katz, The New York Times, NOV. 9, 2016
- College Accreditors Largely Staffed by Employees of Schools They Oversee By DOUGLAS BELKIN and JOSH MITCHELL, The Wall Street Journal, Nov. 11, 2016
Wednesday, November 09, 2016
Income Tax and Tax Evasion in India
- How many Indians pay Income Tax and eFile their Income Tax Returns Be Money Aware Blog, August 17, 2016
- Guess how many people pay taxes in India By Spriha Srivastava, CNBC, May 3, 2016
- The number of Indians who pay taxes is just a little more than the population of London By Madhura Karnik and Manu Balachandran, May 03, 2016, Quartz India
- Narendra Modi Bans India’s Largest Currency Bills in Bid to Cut Corruption By GEETA ANAND and HARI KUMAR, The New York Times, NOV. 8, 2016
- 'No customers': Indians react to currency ban By Vikas Pandey and Aakriti Thapar, BBC, November 9, 2016
- Shock as India scraps 500 and 1,000 rupee bank notes BBC, November 9, 2016
- India scraps 500 and 1,000 rupee bank notes overnight BBC, November 9, 2016
- India Surprises with a Wealth Tax on the Black Market By Alex Tabarrok, Marginal Revolution (blog), November 8, 2016
- Here's What Raghuram Rajan Thinks Of Currency Demonetisation By Rimin Dutt, The Huffington Post India, November 9, 2016
Tuesday, November 08, 2016
Downloadable Books in Bengali
- বিনামূল্যে বাংলা বই পড়তে ৬টি দারুণ ওয়েবসাইট
- বইয়ের দোকান
- আমার বই
- বাংলা ইন্টারনেট -- বাংলা বই
- ই-বইপত্র
- সুকুমার সাহিত্য সমগ্র -- তিন খণ্ডে [archive.org-এ বাংলায় লেখা আরো বহু বই পাওয়া যাবে]
Sunday, November 06, 2016
Notable: November 6, 2016
- A New Movement in Liberal Economics That Could Shape Hillary Clinton’s Agenda By Neil Irwin, The New York Times, November 4, 2016
- Why Aren’t Americans Getting Raises? Blame the Monopsony By JASON FURMAN and
ALAN B. KRUEGER, The Wall Street Journal, Nov. 3, 2016 - Why you shouldn’t organize your email By Jena McGregor, The Washington Post, October 31, 2016 [Interview with Tim Harford on his new book "Messy: The Power of Disorder to Transform Our Lives."]
Saturday, November 05, 2016
Notable: November 5, 2016
- Schools That Work By David Leonhardt, The New York Times, NOV. 4, 2016
- Stand and Deliver: Effects of Boston’s Charter High Schools on College Preparation, Entry, and Choice By Joshua D. Angrist, Sarah R. Cohodes, Susan M. Dynarski, Parag A. Pathak, Christopher R. Walters, Journal of Labor Economics, 2016, vol. 34, no. 2, pt. 1
- Nicaragua’s Leftist Ortega Embraces Business—and Authoritarianism By JUAN MONTES and JOSÉ DE CÓRDOBA, The Wall Street Journal, Nov. 4, 2016
- Chile Faces Growing Pressure to Scrap Private-Pension Model By RYAN DUBE, The Wall Street Journal, Nov. 4, 2016
- A Brilliant History of Technology By STEPHEN BUDIANSKY, The Wall Street Journal, Nov. 4, 2016
Tuesday, November 01, 2016
Notable: November 1, 2016
- Unemployment insurance reform: a primer By Till Von Wachter, Washington Center for Equitable Growth, October 31, 2016
- Oliver Hart and the nature of the firm By Kevin Bryan, VoxEu, 01 November 2016
- Oliver Hart, Nobel laureate By Maija Halonen-Akatwijuka, VoxEu, 29 October 2016
- Bengt Holmström and the black box of the firm By Kevin Bryan, VoxEu, 23 October 2016
- Certified random co-authors By Debraj Ray and Arthur Robson, VoxEu, 30 October 2016
Saturday, October 29, 2016
Notable: October 29, 2016
- How Dairy Farmers in Belgium Held Up a Big E.U. Trade Deal By MILAN SCHREUER, The New York Times, OCT. 28, 2016
- Belgian politicians in Wallonia nearly ended EU-Ceta deal BBC, October 28, 2016
Friday, October 28, 2016
Notable: October 28, 2016
- A universal basic income to step up economic reform By Nimai Mehta, Ideas for India (blog), October 28, 2016
- The US Labor Market: Questions and Challenges for Public Policy By Michael R. Strain (editor) [This book on the US labor market contains plain-language essays, representing diverse viewpoints and covering most aspects of the topic, by recognized experts.]
Thursday, October 27, 2016
Notable: October 27, 2016
- Being honest about ideological influence in economics By Simon Wren-Lewis, Mainly Macro (blog), October 26, 2016
Tuesday, October 25, 2016
Notable: October 25, 2016
- As Europe and Asia Hoard Cash, Economists See Echoes of Crisis By LANDON THOMAS Jr., The New York Times, OCT. 24, 2016
- Why the U.S. Still Trails Many Wealthy Nations in Access to Care By Aaron E. Carroll, The New York Times, OCT. 24, 2016
Sunday, October 23, 2016
Notable: October 23, 2016
- I Paid $2,500 for a ‘Hamilton’ Ticket. I’m Happy About It. By N. GREGORY MANKIW, The New York Times, OCT. 21, 2016. [The whole phenomenon of performers charging below-market prices, perhaps to avoid looking greedy, but only to make ticket scalpers rich, drives economists nuts. Here, Greg Mankiw says the obvious: "Mr. Miranda and his investors could find better ways to give back to the community than vastly underpricing most “Hamilton” tickets and enriching ticket resellers. Maybe fund scholarships for theater students." Lin Manuel Miranda had written in favor of legislation against the online ticket-buying bots that scoop up "Hamilton" tickets and resell them at a premium. I had posted that article on Facebook and had argued that the government should step in and _require_ the tickets to be sold at auction to the highest bidders, and promise to take any part of the revenues that "Hamilton's" owners feel morally unwilling to accept.]
- A New Biography Focuses on Karl Instead of Marxism By PETER E. GORDON, The New York Times, OCT. 21, 2016. [Review of "KARL MARX: Greatness and Illusion" By Gareth Stedman Jones.]
Saturday, October 22, 2016
Notable: October 22, 2016
- Doomsayers Keep Getting It Wrong on Higher Minimum Wages By Barry Ritholtz, BloombergView, October 21, 2016
- Liberals Compete for the Soul of Economics By Noah Smith, BloombergView, October 21, 2016
- Smart Contracts Don’t Have to Be Dumb By Elaine Ou, BloombergView, October 21, 2016 [The Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics was given earlier this month to Oliver Hart and Bengt Holmstrom for work on contract theory, of which -- sad to say -- I know very little. In this article, a "blockchain engineer" in a financial technology company says that Hart's work helps in the design of "smart contracts", which she defines as "software that secures a relationship over a computer network."]
- Universal basic income for India By Vijay Ramchandra Joshi, Ideas for India, October 21, 2016
- Nobel prize in Economics 2016: The economy as a nexus of contracts By Maitreesh Ghatak, Ideas for India, October 19, 2016
- Nobel insights: When it comes to contracts, what’s obvious may not be optimal By Rohini Somanathan, Ideas for India, October 18, 2016
Wednesday, October 19, 2016
Notable: October 19, 2016
- Giving Every Child a Monthly Check for an Even Start By Eduardo Porter, The New York Times, October 18, 2016
- Social Security at Stake on Nov. 8 By THE EDITORIAL BOARD, The New York Times, OCT. 19, 2016
Tuesday, October 18, 2016
Notable: October 18, 2016
- Germany’s Apprenticeship System Comes Under Attack By TOM FAIRLESS, The Wall Street Journal, Oct. 16, 2016
- Wall Street’s “Do-Nothing” Investing Revolution By Dennis K. Berman and Jamie Heller, The Wall Street Journal, Oct. 17, 2016
- The Dying Business of Picking Stocks By ANNE TERGESEN and JASON ZWEIG, The Wall Street Journal, Oct. 17, 2016 [Passive investing has become investors’ default, driving billions into funds that track indexes. It’s transforming Wall Street, corporate boardrooms and the life of the neighborhood broker. ]
- Why Passive Investing is Overrunning Active, in Five Charts By Sarah Krouse, Spencer Jakab, Jason Zweig and Hanna Sender, The Wall Street Journal, Oct. 17, 2016
Saturday, October 15, 2016
Notable: October 15, 2016
- The Mathematics of Cake Cutting By Erica Klarreich, Quanta Magazine, October 13, 2016
- All Is Not Fair in Cake-Cutting and Math By Erica Klarreich, Quanta Magazine, October 7, 2016
- Donald Trump Tax Plan Would Add to Debt and Hillary Clinton’s Wouldn’t, Study Finds By JACKIE CALMES, The New York Times, OCT. 11, 2016
- Five Books to Change Liberals' Minds By Cass R. Sunstein, BloombergView, October 11, 2016
- Stat By Maria Bustillos, Longreads, September 2016 [Is there a dietary treatment for multiple sclerosis? And if so, why is the medical establishment ignoring published academic research that started in the 1950s proving it?]
Thursday, October 13, 2016
Notable: October 13, 2016
- ‘True Scale’ of India’s Tuberculosis Problem: 2.8 Million New Cases By GEETA ANAND, The New York Times, OCT. 13, 2016 [This is a horrifying reminder of the tuberculosis crisis in India. It seems the government is introducing a new plan of attack, based on India's successful anti-polio program. The focus of the new plan seems to be on treatment, and I wish there was more on prevention, with sustained attempts to (a) provide clean drinking water and (b) end open defecation. On treatment, the article suggests that the main failure has been the private sector's. For some unexplained reason, the private sector has been particularly bad at treating tuberculosis in India, which is why the government will be leading the charge in the new strategy.]
- Nobel prize winners’ research worked out a theory on worker productivity – then Amazon and Deliveroo proved it wrong By Ben Chu, The Independent, 11 October 2016
Wednesday, October 12, 2016
Notable: October 12, 2016
- Why this Nobel prize for economics is so well deserved By MARK THOMA, MONEYWATCH October 12, 2016
- The Affordable Care Act is covering people, holding down costs and not killing jobs By Jared Bernstein, The Washington Post, October 11, 2016
- Central Banks Consider Bitcoin’s Technology, if Not Bitcoin By NATHANIEL POPPER, The New York Times, OCT. 11, 2016
- What Donald Trump’s Big Tax Break Might Buy By Eduardo Porter, The New York Times, OCT. 11, 2016
Monday, October 10, 2016
Notable: October 10, 2016
- Press Release: The Prize in Economic Sciences 2016, October 10, 2016 [The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences has decided to award the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 2016 to Oliver Hart and Bengt Holmström.]
- Popular Science Background, Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 2016
- Scientific Background, Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 2016
- Oliver Hart and Bengt Holmstrom Win Nobel in Economics for Work on Contracts, By BINYAMIN APPELBAUM, The New York Times, OCT. 10, 2016
- An Economics Nobel for Examining Reality, By Noah Smith, BloombergView, October 10, 2016
- Economics Nobel Rewards Theories Worth Building On, By Tyler Cowen, BloombergView, October 10, 2016
- Where the Economics Nobel Came From, By Justin Fox, BloombergView, October 6, 2016
- Oliver Hart, Nobel Laureate, By Tyler Cowen, Marginal Revolution (blog), October 10, 2016
- Bengt Holmström, Nobel Laureate, By Tyler Cowen, Marginal Revolution (blog), October 10, 2016
- The Performance Pay Nobel, By Alex Tabarrok, Marginal Revolution (blog), October 10, 2016
- Economics Nobel 2016: Oliver Hart and Bengt Holmstrom, Cheap Talk (blog), October 10, 2016
Saturday, October 08, 2016
Notable: October 8, 2016
- How Donald Trump Uses the Tax Code in Ways You Can’t, By JEREMY ASHKENAS, GABRIEL J.X. DANCE and GUILBERT GATES, The New York Times, OCT. 7, 2016 [Good primer on real estate taxation.]
- Hillary Clinton Targets Tax Hikes at the Very Top, By RICHARD RUBIN, The Wall Street Journal, Oct. 7, 2016 ["The top-earning 1% of U.S. households—and especially the top 0.1%—have a lot to lose from Hillary Clinton’s tax proposals."]
- Tidyr | R Tutorial, By Francis Lara, YouTube, April 14, 2016
- Sending Potatoes to Idaho? How the Free Market Can Fight Poverty, By SENDHIL MULLAINATHAN, The Upshot (blog), The New York Times, OCT. 7, 2016
Friday, October 07, 2016
Notable: October 7, 2016
- Clinton and Kaine, Struggling on Taxes, By David Leonhardt, The New York Times, OCT. 7, 2016 [Clinton and Kaine are flubbing the tax issue. "Many listeners will emerge from these exchanges believing that Trump wants to cut taxes more for most people than Clinton does. In fact, nearly all of Trump’s tax cut would go to the affluent, while Clinton has proposed a series of (still mostly vague) tax credits for the non-rich. ... The first step for Clinton and Kaine is to go beyond the platitudes of their tax proposals so far and offer details — enough to allow independent analysts to score them. The second step is speaking about their plan in the direct language of politics, rather than mixing the more technical language of white papers with jokes about Trump."]
- Canada’s Trudeau Steps Up on Climate Change, By THE EDITORIAL BOARD, The New York Times, OCT. 7, 2016 [Trudeau has done the sensible thing, the textbook thing: "The plan will allow each of Canada’s 10 provinces and three territories to choose its own method of carbon pricing, whether a direct tax on emissions or a cap-and-trade system under which governments put a ceiling on emissions and allow utilities, manufacturing plants, fuel distributors and others to buy and sell permits to emit greenhouse gases. Whatever system the provinces and territories choose, they must establish a price by 2018, starting at a minimum of 10 Canadian dollars per ton of carbon (about $7.60 in American dollars) and rising to at least 50 Canadian dollars in 2022. They can use the revenue generated to lower other taxes or invest in renewable energy and other climate projects. The federal government will impose fines on provinces that fail to act." The politically savvy strategy against any opponents who point to rising energy costs is to return all revenues from the taxes -- and all government revenue from pollution permit auctions -- back to the people. That will silence all complaints, as has happened in British Columbia.]
- What About the Planet?, By Paul Krugman, The New York Times, OCT. 7, 2016 ["Our two major political parties are at odds on many issues, but nowhere is the gap bigger or more consequential than on climate. ... There is, quite simply, no other issue this important, and letting it slide would be almost criminally irresponsible."]
Thursday, October 06, 2016
Notable: October 6, 2016
- Global Trade War, Trump Edition, By Thomas B. Edsall, The New York Times, OCT. 6, 2016
Sunday, October 02, 2016
Notable: October 2, 2016
- Why Unconventional Monetary Policy Works in Theory By Roger Farmer and Pawel Zabczyk, Bank Underground (blog), September 30, 2016
- Debate Night Message: The Markets Are Afraid of Donald Trump, By JUSTIN WOLFERS, The Upshot (blog), The New York Times, SEPT. 30, 2016
- Donald Trump Tax Records Show He Could Have Avoided Taxes for Nearly Two Decades, The Times Found, By DAVID BARSTOW, SUSANNE CRAIG, RUSS BUETTNER and MEGAN TWOHEY, The New York Times, OCT. 1, 2016
- The Making of Donald Trump, By David Cay Johnston, C-SPAN, August 25, 2016.
- How Donald Trump Turned the Tax Code Into a Giant Tax Shelter, By JAMES B. STEWART, The New York Times, OCT. 2, 2016
- In 1990, more than 60% of people in East Asia were in extreme poverty. Now only 3.5% are., by Dylan Matthews, Vox, Oct 2, 2016
Saturday, October 01, 2016
Notable: October 1, 2016
- Is India ready for a universal basic income scheme? By Maitreesh Ghatak, Ideas for India, September 28, 2016
- The universal basic share By Debraj Ray, Ideas for India, September 29, 2016
- The universal basic share and social incentives By Debraj Ray and Karl Ove Moene, Ideas for India, September 30, 2016
- Minimum standard of living for all Indians By T. N. Srinivasan, Ideas for India, September 30, 2016
- Bharat Ek Khoj 01: Bharat Mata Ki Jai, Episode 1 of a TV series directed by Shyam Benegal.
Friday, September 30, 2016
Notable: September 30, 2016
- Find and replace text and other data in a Word document Useful discussion of wildcards in the execution of search and replace in Microsoft Word
- The State of Advanced Economies and Related Policy Debates: A Fall 2016 Assessment, By Olivier Blanchard, Policy Brief, Peterson Institute for International Economics, September 2016.
Thursday, September 29, 2016
Notable: September 29, 2016
- Why Study Economics? By Stanley Fischer, At the Convocation for the Department of Economics, Howard University, Washington, D.C., September 27, 2016
- Anti-globalists: Why they’re wrong The Economist, October 1, 2016 [Editorial accompanying a Special report: Globalisation’s critics say it benefits only the elite. In fact, a less open world would hurt the poor most of all]
- The world economy: An open and shut case The Economist, October 1, 2016
- Free trade: Coming and going, The Economist, October 1, 2016
- Migration: Needed but not wanted, The Economist, October 1, 2016
- Capital mobility: The good, the bad and the ugly, The Economist, October 1, 2016
- Deregulation and competition: A lapse in concentration, The Economist, October 1, 2016
- Saving globalisation: The reset button, The Economist, October 1, 2016
- Trade deals: Hard bargain, The Economist, October 1, 2016
- Free exchange: Down to earth, The Economist, October 1, 2016
- More Wealth, More Jobs, but Not for Everyone: What Fuels the Backlash on Trade, By PETER S. GOODMAN, The New York Times, SEPT. 28, 2016 [Trade is under attack in much of the world, because economists failed to anticipate the accompanying joblessness, and governments failed to help.]
Notable: September 28, 2016
- Shamed and Angry: Alicia Machado, a Miss Universe Mocked by Donald Trump By MICHAEL BARBARO and MEGAN TWOHEY, The New York Times, SEPT. 27, 2016
- Bank of England Re-Enters the Corporate Debt Market By JASON DOUGLAS and
JON SINDREU, The Wall Street Journal, Sept. 27, 2016 - I sold Trump $100,000 worth of pianos. Then he stiffed me. By J. Michael Diehl, The Washington Post, September 28, 2016
- Natural born killers: humans predisposed to murder, study suggests By Nicola Davis, The Guardian, September 28, 2016
Tuesday, September 27, 2016
Notable: September 27, 2016
- Universal basic income: The best way to welfare By Abhijit Banerjee, Ideas for India, September 27, 2016
- Basic income in a poor country By Pranab Bardhan, Ideas for India, September 26, 2016
- Introduction to e-Symposium: The idea of a universal basic income in the Indian context By Parikshit Ghosh, Ideas for India, September 26, 2016
- Meghnad Saha: Physicist and nationalist By Somaditya Banerjee, Physics Today, August 2016, page 38
- A New Debate Over Pricing the Risks of Climate Change By HIROKO TABUCHI and CLIFFORD KRAUSS, The New York Times, SEPT. 26, 2016
- Bank of Japan Tries Another Way to Spur Inflation By TAKASHI NAKAMICHI, The Wall Street Journal, Updated Sept. 26, 2016
Notable: September 26, 2016
- Millions in U.S. Climb Out of Poverty, at Long Last By PATRICIA COHEN, The New York Times, SEPT. 25, 2016
- Progressive Family Values By Paul Krugman, The New York Times, September 26, 2016
- It’s beyond debate that Donald Trump is unfit to be president By the Editorial Board, The Washington Post, September 25, 2016
- A disaster is looming for American men By Lawrence H. Summers, The Washington Post, September 26, 2016
- 74 Terrible Things Donald Trump Has Done...This Month The Closer with Keith Olbermann, GQ, YouTube, September 26, 2016
Sunday, September 25, 2016
Notable: September 25, 2016
- "Football Team at the Buffet: Why Obamacare Markets Are in Crisis" By MARGOT SANGER-KATZ, The New York Times, SEPT. 23, 2016
- "Longing for the Male Gaze" By Jennifer Bartlett, The New York Times, SEPT. 21, 2016
- "Why Donald Trump Should Not Be President" By THE EDITORIAL BOARD, The New York Times, SEPT. 25, 2016
- "A Week of Whoppers From Donald Trump" By MAGGIE HABERMAN and ALEXANDER BURNS, The New York Times, SEPT. 24, 2016
- "Rural Indian Women Chase Big-City Dreams" By ELLEN BARRY, The New York Times, SEPT. 24, 2016
Monday, June 13, 2016
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Notable: February 2025
How to keep your eyes healthy and your vision sharp By Kevin Loria, The Washington Post, February 18, 2025 She’s Trying to Stay Ahead of Al...
Although I was born in Philadelphia, I spent the first twenty-two years of my life growing up in Calcutta (now Kolkata ), the capital city o...
Trevor Swan (1918–1989) is an economist hero of mine. Even today's macroeconomists rely on the Solow-Swan model of 1956 to organize t...
The comedian Stephen Colbert’s speech at the White House Correspondents’ Association dinner, on Saturday, April 29, was easily the high poin...