Friday, June 15, 2012

Plutocracy: J. P. Morgan Edition

Q: What does J. P. Morgan's campaign contributions to members of the Senate Banking Committee buy?

A: Superobsequious, epic-scale ass kissing of Jamie Dimon, the Morgan CEO, at a hearing that was supposed to investigate why the bank royally screwed up its derivatives bets earlier this year.

In this excerpt from yesterday's "The Daily Show," Senator Johanns (R, Nebraska) says to Dimon, in an appropriately awe-struck voice, "You are ... HUGE!"

And in this excerpt we see why its great being a Republican Senator.

The U.S. Senate is sometimes described as the "world's greatest deliberative body" -- not least by itself. But in a plutocracy, it was inevitable that, sooner or later, comedians would call its members yankers to get easy knee-slapping guffaws from the entire country.

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